Kolkata Chemical: The Leading Malic Acid Manufacturer, Supplier, and Distributor in India

Kolkata Chemical: The Leading Malic Acid Manufacturer, Supplier, and Distributor in India

Nestled within the bustling streets of Kolkata, stands a beacon of excellence in the chemical sector. Kolkata Chemical has etched its name as one of the most renowned Malic Acid suppliers, manufacturers, and distributors, not only in India but across the expansive horizons of the Middle East and other major global cities.

CAS NO & Formula

  • CAS NO: 6915-15-7
  • Formula: C₄H₆O₅

Product Description

Malic Acid, a natural substance found in many fruits, especially apples, is a crucial compound in the food and beverage industry. Its crystalline, white appearance, combined with its unique properties, makes it an essential ingredient across various applications.

Usage and Application

  • Food Industry: Enhances flavor, acts as a preservative, and serves as a gelling agent.
  • Cosmetics Industry: Helps in pH control and moisturization.
  • Pharmaceuticals: Found in oral health products and supplements.

Product Parameters

  • Grade Standard: Food and Industrial grades available.
  • Certification: Adheres to ISO standards, Halal, and Kosher certified.
  • Purity: Kolkata Chemical ensures 99% purity in its Malic Acid.
  • Appearance: Crystal-like, white powder.


Beyond its standard appearance and grades, Kolkata Chemical prides itself in ensuring the molecule’s exact specifications in terms of molecular structure, melting point, and solubility.

Our Advantages

From state-of-the-art technology, robust infrastructure, to a vast global network spanning from Dubai to New York, Kolkata Chemical stands apart. The company’s ability to customize orders as per client needs further cements its reputation in the sector.

Production Capacity

Boasting one of the largest facilities in the region, Kolkata Chemical has an unmatched production capacity, ensuring timely deliveries every time.

Quality Control

Every batch undergoes stringent quality checks. The in-house lab, equipped with the latest technology, ensures that every grain of Malic Acid adheres to global standards.


Kolkata Chemical understands diverse client needs and is equipped to customize orders in terms of grade, packaging, and quantity.

Company Info

Established decades ago, the company has grown leaps and bounds, transforming itself from a local supplier to a global name.


Each package is sealed, ensuring the Malic Acid remains uncontaminated, retaining its crystalline, white appearance.


Storage facilities maintain optimal temperatures to ensure product longevity. Regular quality inspections further ensure product integrity.

Plant Area

The sprawling facility, located strategically close to major transport hubs, spans several acres, housing production units, quality control labs, and storage facilities.

Terms of Payment or Quotation & Payment

Flexible payment terms, including both online and offline methods, cater to global clientele.

Nearest Port & Import & Export Mode

Situated near Kolkata port, the company ensures swift deliveries. With a robust export model, Malic Acid reaches global destinations via sea, air, and road.

Kolkata Chemical, with its unparalleled commitment to quality and excellence, has not only served India but has also marked its presence in major cities worldwide. As it continues to expand its horizons, the promise remains the same – delivering excellence, one grain at a time.

For inquiries and orders, please get in touch with us at Email-


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