Moya Oil 50 Ltr


Moya Oil 50 Ltr

Effective and economical emulsifier. Safe to use on most metal surfaces, painted and coated surfaces and also used as a multipurpose degreaser in extremely hard cleaning conditions.

SKU: RXSOL-20-2023-050 Category:

RXSOL MOYA OIL is effective and  economical emulsifier. Safe to use on most metal surfaces, painted and coated surfaces and also used as a multipurpose degreaser in extremely hard cleaning conditions.


Technical Bulletin

Moya Oil
Description:- RXSOL-20-2023 is   applied  by  Spraying , Brushing, Soaking,  Dipping , Rubbing,  or     Mopping Spraying  is  used for cold cleaning  interiors of oil storage  tanks or  where surfaces to  becleaning   interior  or oil  storage tanks or  where surfaces to be cleaned are irregular. After spraying  RXSOL-20-2023 should  be allowed  to remain for 10 to 20 minutes before rinsing. If  dry surfaces  is not  required it is necessary to rinse with water .Brushing and mopping is used with  RXSOL-20-2023  for removing oil from decks  piers and other large areas .Dipping & soaking in unheated  RXSOL-20-2023 is the most economical way of cleaning small or large parts.Rubbing with a soft cloth or  sponge soaked  with RXSOL-20-2023  is an easy and quick method of  cleaning larger  parts and painted surface. Steam  cleaning can be speeded up by spraying RXSOL-20-2023 a few minutes prior to steam lancing.

Technical  Specification:-

Colour   pink
appearance homogeneous clear.
Odour Citrus
PH 8.50 – 9.50,
Viscosity Ford cup B-4-12 seconds at 22 Deg.c
Specific Gravity 1.042-055

Non flammable, Non Toxic, Non Caustic, Non Explosive and causes no pollution.


USAGE  : –
Dirt, Oil Grease and  Grind  rapidly emulsified  and  rinsed away from Aluminium,  Brass, Steel, Cast iron, Chrome plate , Proceline, Glass, Painted surfaces, Stone, cement & Wood The ingredients incorporated in Rxsol M 9000  has  a much more efficient function . Particles  of  soil and oil are rapidly reduced to colloidal size by this interfacial action and thereby moreeasily emulsified and washed away fresh or salt water having cleaned metal surface.

Product Label

Description:- RXSOL-20-2023 is applied by Spraying , Brushing, Soaking, Dipping , Rubbing, or Mopping Spraying is used for cold cleaning interiors of oil storage tanks or where surfaces to becleaning interior or oil storage tanks or where surfaces to be cleaned are irregular. After spraying RXSOL-20-2023 should be allowed to remain for 10 to 20 minutes before rinsing. If dry surfaces is not required it is necessary to rinse with water .Brushing and mopping is used with RXSOL-20-2023 for removing oil from decks piers and other large areas .Dipping & soaking in unheated RXSOL-20-2023 is the most economical way of cleaning small or large parts.Rubbing with a soft cloth or sponge soaked with RXSOL-20-2023 is an easy and quick method of cleaning larger parts and painted surface. Steam cleaning can be speeded up by spraying RXSOL-20-2023 a few minutes prior to steam lancing.


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