


SKU: RXSOL-19-1642-210 Category:



Technical Bulletin

31. Product- SurTec® 151 Alkaline Cleaner(for Iron and Nonferrous Metals)


  •  alkaline powder
  •  contains silicates
  •  usable in hard water
  •  no attack on aluminium and magnesium
  •  suitable for zinc die-cast, and for copper and brass

SurTec 151 can be applied in soak- and ultrasonic cleaning as well as in steam injectors.

  soak ultrasonic steam injector(nozzle outlet)
make-up value: 2 – 5 % 1 – 3 % 0.5-1 %
temperature: 60-80°C 40-70°C 70-90°C
application time: 1-10 min    

Technical Specification

(at 20°C) Appearance Bulk density (kg/l) pH-value (at 10 g/l)
SurTec 151 powder, white approx. 0.920 approx. 12

 Maintenance and Analysis
Analyse and adjust the concentration of SurTec 151 regularly.

Sample Preparation
Take a sample at a homogeneously mixed position. Let it cool down to room temperature. If the sample is turbid, let the turbidity settle down and decant or filter the solution.

SurTec 151 – Analysis by Titration

reagents: 0.1 N hydrochloric or sulfuric acid
indicator: methyl orange solution (0.04 %)
procedure: 1. Pipette 5 ml bath sample into a 250 ml Erlenmeyer flask.
2. Dilute to approx. 100 ml with deionised water.
3. Add 3 drops of indicator.
4. Titrate with 0.1 N acid from yellow to red
calculation: consumption in ml · 0.25 = % SurTec 151


  •  anionic surfactants
  •  nonionic surfactants
  •  phosphates
  •  silicates
  •  carbonates

Stock Keeping
In order to prevent delays in the production process, per 1,000 l bath the following amount should be kept in stock:SurTec 151 50 kg

Product Safety and Ecology
The safety instructions and the instructions for environmental protection have to be followed in order to avoid hazards for people and environment. The Material Safety Data Sheets (according to European legislation) contain explicit details for this.

The following hazard designations and classifications into water hazard classes (WHC) have to be taken into account:

product hazard designation water hazard class
SurTec 151 C – Corrosive WHC 2


32. Product- SurTec® 154 Alkaline Cleaner


  •  silicate-containing, alkaline powder
  •  usable in hard water
  •  suited for steel, copper and copper alloys, of limited suitability for zinc die cast
  •  particularly suitable for polished brass prior to electroplating
  •  highly economic cleaner due to a low make-up concentration and a long service life
  •  very good emulsifying properties

SurTec 154 can be applied in soak and ultrasonic cleaning.

  soak ultrasonic
make-up values: 2 – 5 % 1 – 3 %
temperature: 60-80°C 50-70°C
application time: 1 – 5 min 1 – 5 min

Technical Specification

(at 20°C) Appearance Bulk density (kg/l) pH-value (at 10 g/l)
SurTec 154 powder, white approx. 0.940 > 12

Maintenance and Analysis
Analyse and adjust the concentration of SurTec 154 regularly.

Sample Preparation
Take a sample at a homogeneously mixed position. Let it cool down to room temperature. If the sample is turbid, let the turbidity settle down and decant or filter the solution.

SurTec 154 – Analysis by Titration

reagents: 1 N hydrochloric or sulfuric acid
indicator: phenolphthalein
procedure: 1. Pipette 50 ml bath sample into a 250 ml Erlenmeyer flask.
2. Dilute to approx. 100 ml with deionised water.
3. Add 3 drops of indicator.
4. Titrate with 1 N acid from red to colourless.
calculation: consumption in ml · 0.248 = % SurTec 154


  •  anionic and nonionic surfactants
  •  hydroxides
  •  phosphates
  •  silicates
  •  carbonates

Stock Keeping
In order to prevent delays in the production process, per 1,000 l bath the following amount should be kept in stock: SurTec 154 50 kg

Product Safety and Ecology
The safety instructions and the instructions for environmental protection have to be followed in order to avoid hazards for people and environment. The Material Safety Data Sheets (according to European legislation) contain explicit details for this.

The following hazard designations and classifications into water hazard classes (WHC) have to be taken into account:

 product hazard designation  water hazard class 
 SurTec 154 C – Corrosive  WHC 1 


33. Product- SurTec® 168 Alkaline Builder


  •  liquid
  •  suited for spray-, soak- and electrolytic application
  •  recyclable in combination with SurTec 086 or SurTec 089 (with cross-flow-filtration or oil separator)
  •  suitable for iron and steel
  •  surfactant-free

SurTec 168 is used for fine cleaning in continuous strip cleaning lines in spray-, brush- or soak processes (without or under current).

make-up values: spraying/brushing hot degreasing electrolytic degreasing
SurTec 168 2.0 %vol (0.5-3 %vol) 2.0 %vol (1.5-5 %vol) 2.0 %vol
+ 2-5 % NaOH
SurTec 086 0.1-0.5 %vol
SurTec 089 0.1-0.5 %vol

temperature: 60°C (40-80°C)
application time: 1 min (5 s – 5 min)
spray pressure: 1-15 bar
tank material: steel

Maintenance and Analysis
Analyse and adjust the concentration of SurTec 168 regularly.

Sample Preparation
Take a sample at a homogeneously mixed position. Let it cool down to room temperature. If the sample is turbid, let the turbidity settle down and decant or filter the solution.

SurTec 168 – Analysis by Titration

reagents: 0.1 N hydrochloric acid
indicator: methyl orange solution (0.04 %)
procedure: 1. Pipette 10 ml bath sample into a 250 ml Erlenmeyer flask.
2. Dilute to approx. 100 ml with deionised water.
3. Add 3 drops of indicator.
4. Titrate with 0.1 N acid from yellow to red
calculation: consumption in ml · 0.24 = %vol SurTec 168

Technical Specification

(at 20°C) Appearance Density (g/ml) pH-value (at 10 g/l)
SurTec 168 liquid, colourless-orange 1.210 (1.18-1.23) 12.5 (11.8-13.1)


  •  potassium hydroxide
  •  phosphates

Stock Keeping
In order to prevent delays in the production process, per 1,000 l bath the following amount should be kept in stock: SurTec 168 25 kg

Product Safety and Ecology
The safety instructions and the instructions for environmental protection have to be followed in order to avoid hazards for people and environment. The Material Safety Data Sheets (according to European legislation) contain explicit details for this.

The following hazard designations and classifications into water hazard classes (WHC) have to be taken into account:

product hazard designation water hazard class
SurTec 168 C – Corrosive WHC 1


34. Product-SurTec® 177 Electrolytical Cleaner


  •  highly alkaline powder
  •  non foaming
  •  cyanide-free
  •  with high conductivity
  •  can be used for cathodic or for anodic cleaning
  •  suitable for iron, copper and its alloys


make-up value: 6-8 %
temperature: 20-40°C
application time: 1-10 min
hint: for some applications a pre-cleaning is necessary (e. g. in SurTec 151)

Technical Specification

(at 20°C) Appearance Bulk density (kg/l) pH-value (at 10 g/l)
SurTec 177 powder, white approx. 0.960 approx. 13

Maintenance and Analysis
Analyse and adjust the concentration of SurTec 177 regularly.

Sample Preparation
Take a sample at a homogeneously mixed position. Let it cool down to room temperature. If the sample is turbid, let the turbidity settle down and decant or filter the solution.

SurTec 177 – Analysis by Titration

reagents: 1 N hydrochloric acid
indicator: methyl orange solution (0.04 %)
procedure: 1. Pipette 10 ml bath sample into a 250 ml Erlenmeyer flask.
2. Dilute to approx. 100 ml with deionised water.
3. Add 3 drops of indicator.
4. Titrate with 1 N acid from yellow-orange to red
calculation: consumption in ml · 0.52 = % SurTec 177


  •  silicates
  •  sodium hydroxide
  •  carbonates

Stock Keeping
In order to prevent delays in the production process, per 1,000 l bath the following amount should be kept in stock: SurTec 177 50 kg

Product Safety and Ecology
The safety instructions and the instructions for environmental protection have to be followed in order to avoid hazards for people and environment. The Material Safety Data Sheets (according to European legislation) contain explicit details for this.

The following hazard designations and classifications into water hazard classes (WHC) have to be taken into account:

product hazard designation water hazard class
SurTec 177 C – Corrosive WHC 1


Product Label


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