Condensnol Amine 25 Ltrs


Condensnol Amine 25 Ltrs

Concentrated liquid neutralising agent for corrosion control in condensate and feed water systems, contain blends of low, medium and high volatility amines that provide great protection and neutralization of acidic gases, such as CO2

SKU: RXSOL-50-5005-025 Category:

RXSOL-50-5005-025  Concentrated liquid neutralising agent for corrosion control in condensate and feed water systems, contain blends of low, medium and high volatility amines that provide great protection and neutralization of acidic gases, such as CO2 throughout a condensate system. Protects boiler surfaces by forming an iron tannate film.
A liquid neutralizing amine used to control corrosion and pH in steam and condensate systems.


Pure anisole or methoxybenzene, is an organic compound. CAS NO: 100-66-3
Keep away from heat and sources of ignition.
Store in a sealed condition at ambient temperature or below. Keep containers in tightly closed condition.
Use proper PPE during handling.
Used as solvent, as an intermediate in making of dyes, pharmaceuticals, fragrances and as an insect pheromones.
Clear Colorless Liquid
Purity ( by GC ) , %
99.8 Min
Specific Gravity @25°C
0.9995 ± 0.05
Moisture (by KF) , %
0.3 Max
Packed in drums or in ISO TANKS on request.


Technical Bulletin

Condensate Corrosion Control
(Boiler Systems)

(Condensnol Amine)

Product Description:-
A water soluble volatile concentrate amine based liquid treated for the really corrosion control and as a neutralizing agent for condensate and feed water systems of industrial and institutional physical plants. Also very good organic oxygen scavenger and very Effective under all operating conditions , Protects boiler surfaces by forming an iron tannate film.

Fields Of Applicaation:-
RXSOL-50-5005-025 is an effective neutralizing type corrosion inhibitor & oxygen scavanger  for steam condensation system. And can also be used to protect Boilers /Metals surfaces form corrosion.It removes oxygen efficiently in open feed systems and gives effective corrosion inhibition of boiler/exhaust gas economizer system surfaces . Its Chemical reaction by converting Fe2O3 (rust) to organic iron compound protect further IRON rust reaction .

Operating Process:-
RXSOL-CC72 neutralizes the acid components of feed water.The proportion of RXSOL-50-5005-025 depends upon the Carbon dioxide content of the condensate. Basically RXSOL-50-5005-025 neutralizes the acid contents & maintains the condensate and feed water in the alkaline condition.  It also protects copper based metals.

Dosage And Control:-
The necessary amount of RXSOL-50-5005-025 is required or injected as frequently as to maintain the pH of the condensate at the main condensate pump outlet between 8.6-9.5 .  The amines pass over with the steam and have the dual function of elevating the pH of the steam/condensate and putting a protective micro film on the system pipe work. Acidic condensate is the result of carbonic acid (H2CO3) being formed as CO2 is released in the steam.Condensate prevents corrosion by carbonic acid on live systems. Its filming properties also reduce corrosion on shut down lines, when moisture and oxygen are present.

Condensate Dosage Parameters:-



pH Range

Less then 8.3


Over 9.5

All Boiler groups

Increase Dosage
By 25% for
72 hours
and Retest


Decrease Dosage
By 25% for
72 hours
and Retest


These are recommended values based on experience and are in no way intended to replace the boiler manufacturer’s specifications or company regulations.

Product Properties:



Appearance Colorless Liquid-Light Yellow  
Density In g/cm3 at 15°C: 1.0  
Odour Amine  
Flash Ppoint  (PMCC) °: None  
pH Alkaline  
Metal Avoid Copper, Brass, Aluminum  
Rubber No known effect  
Packaging ORDER NO :-RXSOL-50-5005-025 Size (in liters)


  • Easy to use liquid treatment.
  • Neutralizes the acids occurring in the condensate system.
  • Less maintenance required. Lower operating costs and increased reliability.
  • Volatilizes and carries over with the steam and so is recycled. Dosage is economical and efficient.
  • Simple test to determine level of treatment.
  • Used for protection of condensate and feed water systems in boiler systems of all pressures.

Precautionary Information:-
RXSOL-50-5005-025 alkaline and the vapors are irritating to eyes and lungs. Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Do not take internally. Observe safety regulations wear Goggles, PVC gloves and Apron when handling Provide ample ventilation Avoid contact with skin in case of contacts wash with cupious amount of water immediately. If eyes are splashed give immediate and prolonged irrigation with clean running water and obtain medical attention.

Not for internal use :-
If swallowed do not induce vomiting give plenty of water or milk and call a doctor immediately.
PACKING :-RXSOL-50-5005-025 is available in 25/35 Liters
GENERAL REMARKS:Do not store  RXSOL-50-5005-025  near a heating equipment.


Pure anisole or methoxybenzene, is an organic compound. CAS NO: 100-66-3
Keep away from heat and sources of ignition.
Store in a sealed condition at ambient temperature or below. Keep containers in tightly closed condition.
Use proper PPE during handling.
Used as solvent, as an intermediate in making of dyes, pharmaceuticals, fragrances and as an insect pheromones.
Clear Colorless Liquid
Purity ( by GC ) , %
99.8 Min
Specific Gravity @25°C
0.9995 ± 0.05
Moisture (by KF) , %
0.3 Max


Packed in drums or in ISO TANKS on request.

Product Label

RXSOL-50-5005-025 Concentrated liquid neutralising agent for corrosion control in condensate and feed water systems, contain blends of low, medium and high volatility amines that provide great protection and neutralization of acidic gases, such as CO2 throughout a condensate system. Protects boiler surfaces by forming an iron tannate film.


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