Degreaser Biodegradable


Degreaser Biodegradable

Degreaser Biodegradable

SKU: RXSOL-19-1211-215 Category:


Technical Bulletin


Sr.No. Properties Specification
1 Appearance Clear,Colourless,Volatile Liquid,Free from Suspended Matters.
2 Oder & Taste No foreign odor or taste.
3 Clearity of soln. on 1:19 Dilution with water  Clear & Miscible Completely.
4 Specific Gravity at 15.6 D C Min 0.7961
5 Active Content % by Volume at 20.0 D C Min 99.50
6 Miscibility with water Miscible
7 Alkalinity Nil to Phenolphthalein
8 Acidity (As Acetic Acid) Mg/L 30.00

Aldehyde Contents (As Acetaldehyde) mg/L

10 Ester Content ( As Ethyl Acetate) MG/L 100.00
11 Methanol Content,MG/L 150.00
12 Hither Alcohols, mg/L 30.00
13 Furfural Content, mg/L ND
14 Residual on evaporation , mg/L 20.00
15 Permagnate Time, Minutes 30.00
16 Water Content % v/v 5%


Product Label


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